Located about 2/3rd the way along av del mediterraneo,Festilandia is a wonderful amusement park for young children.
It's not especially big but in the small area they do have they pack in a lot. The have a section at the front for the smaller kiddies rides which is next to the arcade games. The Small kiddie section is full of the small rides you generally ride in supermarkets and have about a dozen variations. The arcade has a wide variety of video games and fruit machines as expected.
The section at the back is for the older kids, by older I mean my then nearly 4 year old could go on most rides.
The have a roller coaster, Bumper cars, a pirate ship, simulator and of course the obligatory cups and saucers which I still cant go on without wanting to puke. The rides are height restricted but all quite low so we are able to go on all but the bumper cars. There were a few where me or Mrs had to go on also but not many and this was fine.
We had to pay 10 euros for a pass and this allowed 6 rides, the more you pay the more rides but I really think it's well worth the money.
It's busy in the night time when it cools a bit. There is a snack bar when you can sit which sells snacks, drinks ice creams and the such.
This is one of my little boys favourite parts of the holiday and now we have another it's a place we will being going back to often.